Archive | June 2012

Profound Fair Moment

We Lovely Dozen have a bit of a history with the county fair – a history of not totally awesome, to be more exact.

Last year, we were invited to perform only to discover the day of our set that we’d been moved to an uncovered stage – in the rain. We decided to take our show back to our dance home for anyone who wanted to join us. So when we found out Wednesday that we’d been invited to dance again (today, actually), we were understandably a bit on edge.

With good reason.

Not a photo from today, but me in the same outfit (more or less).

We were indoors this time around, in a space with an asphalt floor, no sound system, and (kinda terrible) echoes. Also, it was a building at the fair – lots of coming and going, shouting and crying (next to the face painting for the kids). Complaining about our dance space, however, is not the purpose of this post.

After our set, which ended with an audience participation song, we had a little girl (maybe 5) come up to us with her mother. We tried to get her to dance, but as little folks often are, she was too shy to move. The look in her eyes as we danced was the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in a long time. She then wanted a picture with the “pretty girls”!

Moments like this stick with me. I remember reading some time ago in some book by Scott Cunningham (perhaps Living Wicca?) the idea of seeing the Divine in the eyes of children as they explore the world, as they learn, as they grow. And it is beautiful.

Speaking of dancing and children – another song I’m very much loving at the moment:


Waking Up

This week has been full of nothing but wake-up calls. It figures that this would happen around Midsummer – the time when the earth is fully awake and totally alive.  Aside from these clear signs to pay attention, Spirit is also giving me a big push, energetically speaking, to move forward – onward and upward, shifting and changing – GO!

Speaking of Midsummer – we here in the Midwest were treated to a different version of the solstice then usual. Generally, it’s a hot sunny day; great for really feeling the fire of the sun, the power of the Sun God. Today, however, was rainy in the morning and stormy in the evening – a different sort of power, but power nonetheless. Washing away any stubborn bits of the past season (of the earth and your life, of course) and leaving a ready field for new growth.

P.S. This is my Midsummer jam this year.