Tag Archive | Spirit guides

Ordeal of Odin – Day Three: The Guide

Today, I had a Tarot reading – a short, unexpected one. A young woman who read palms at the store was in today taking appointments – after hours, she suggested we trade readings (something I never turn down). I read for her first – sweet, simple and to the point three card spread. She wanted to read Tarot for me, as she’s just getting back into studying it seriously. The reading she gave me had a clear message: Follow your guide, and you’ll be led to greatness – so long as you’re truly willing.

What a timely message! It has been some time since I’ve last journeyed to Annawynn, partly because I’m afraid – not of her, or what she has to teach me, but of what happens after that. While I know good and well that I feel called to this path, am I sure my ego is not pushing me too far or too fast? How to I offer what I have to others? Do I really know what I’m doing? The self-doubt sets in and it is difficult to keep moving forward. So, this impromptu reading was very telling for me – I am being led to a place of beauty, grace, and fulfillment; so why fight it?

Now is the time for me to “rest” – to recharge and prepare for the next leg of the journey. I have the clear sense that there won’t be time for doubting as I begin again to move forward.

Feeling the Call

The Call

I refer to it as “the call” – the slight feeling of urgency that I have about becoming more involved in the realms of Shamanism.  Not anxious, nervous, or rushing; just a sense of urgency, importance, and necessity. The old ways call to me, they send out whispers into my reality – in books, music, and conversation. I’ve always felt this call, but for a long time I didn’t know what exactly I was being called to; after my first encounter with Core Shamanism, however, I finally had my answer to the question sitting in the very back of my mind.

Lately, I’ve felt the call even stronger – it seems that I can’t wait for circumstances to be “perfect” to answer the call.

Working With Ancestors

I’ve been doing some recent journeying to meet with a spirit guide that began coming to me in dreams over the summer. I thought at first that perhaps I was seeing bits of a past life because of the strong and deep connection I felt to her. She was an old woman – with long grey hair tied back with a strap of leather. She wore layers of cloth and skins with an outer cloak of blue.  She was surrounded by runic charms, simple tools, and an aura of sheer power.

Last month, I decided to  journey to see if I could meet her or at least learn about her. With Crow’s help, I found her tucked away in the Upper World. She told me her name and that I was the first of her children to return to her – that is, the first descendent to walk a shamanic path. She gave me some tasks, told me to learn more about the ways of my ancestors, which is something I am slowly but surely working on.

As the winter sets in, I find myself coming back to the experience I had with her and my analytical mind likes to chime in: Was she honest with me? Does she really have my greatest good in mind? Am I really able to figure this out on my own? Am I encroaching on the faith of others? Does that matter? Lots of questions I’m tackling over the winter.

My Mom is Awesome

Yesterday was just icky.

My mother and I were heading out to the casino about an hour away. The ride there wasn’t terrible, just a little rainy – but that rain turned into freezing rain. We were coming up to a stop sign and we spun out – a full 360 and right into the ditch. Lucky for us, someone stopped about a minute later for us – and someone else after that.

This is where the car finally came to rest. Hard to see, but that snow is knee high.

I am so thankful my mother was driving! And so thankful we have so many spirits and guides looking after us! The ride back was pretty disgusting with blowing snow – we went 40 mph (instead of 60) most of the way back. The important thing is that we are okay, my car is okay, and we made it home just fine (if not a little sore).

More Crows

I’ve seen about five more crows since my last post about Crow. I’ve been so busy with school and work the past few days that I haven’t had a chance to journey to see Crow – but I’m planning on it today. So to tide my curiosity and give me a general idea, I made an impromptu pendulum board with different aspects of Crow written in the sections.

So, there’s the gist of how I made it, but I’d like to go a little more in-depth about the aspects that I used. Oh, and before we begin, I use “Crow” and “Raven” interchangeably, because, scientifically speaking, they are from the same genus (Corvus).

Intelligence: As far as birds go, Crows are incredibly intelligent. Some species actually make tools to use in looking for food or utilize the tools of humans to do their work for them.

Oracle: Crows can be trained to speak (not unlike a parrot) – this imitated human voice lends itself well to legends about Crow being an amazing oracle.Furthermore, think of the ‘kraws‘ sound that Crow sometimes makes – to me it sounds a lot like the Latin ‘cras‘ which means ‘tomorrow’.

Secrets: Crows can be very deceptive in their actions – keeping their true motives and actions hidden. They are seen in many mythologies as keepers of secrets.

Wisdom: Many ancient mythos associate Crow with wisdom (and prophecy, but I’ve talked about that) through the gods that are associated with Crow, such as: Odin, Bran, Cailleach, and Morrigan.

Odin the Allfather with his wolves (Geri and Freki) and Huginn and Muninn


Thought/Memory: Odin is said to have been attended by two Ravens – Huginn (Thought) and Muninn (Memory). They would fly all over the world everyday and later tell Odin of everything they had seen. These two concepts are so connected that I could not separate them.

Bringer of Light: In Haida myth, Raven steals the sun (amongst other things) from Grey Eagle, who horded the sun, moon, stars, fresh water, and fire from humanity because he so despised them. Oddly enough, in the beginning of this myth (and others) Raven is a white bird, whose feathers are burnt by flame or the sun.

Creation: The black color of Crow is associated with the void of creation – the primordial womb from which all life springs. Some Native American myths speak of Raven as having created the world.

Change: Crow is known as a shape-shifter in many cultures. Also, Crow’s assocation with death and the transition from life to death connects to change on a great scale.

~Take care and Blessed be

P.S. I turned on Bones tonight, and they were talking about the American Crow. Like I said in my video, everywhere!


As a practitioner of core shamanism (which pulls together common elements from various indigenous cultures), I try to always be aware of signs, symbols, and messages from Spirit. In various cultures around the world, the spirits of animals are said to have great meaning and knowledge to teach us. Today, as I was driving, a crow landed near me – without fear or hesitation – and followed me for almost a block. This is very unusual behavior for crows in my area, so I see it as a message. Crow clearly has something to tell me.

Crow is a keeper of knowledge and often signals a time of shift or change. With one eye in the physical word and the other in the spirit world, Crow teaches us how to use our psychic vision and see between the worlds. Crow also aids in healing and creating wellness from the void. Why exactly Crow is here, I’m not sure of yet, but I cannot wait to find out.

~Take care and Blessed be